Multi-tenant PBX: Genuine or Pseudo?

PortSIP multi tenant PBX

Many PBX vendors claim to offer multi-tenant PBX solutions. However, the majority of these solutions are, in reality, pseudo-multi-tenant. This typically involves installing a new PBX instance for each tenant and managing these instances via a centralized web portal. While this may be transparent to tenants and end-users, it poses a significant challenge for cloud PBX service providers:

  • They require additional engineers to maintain a large number of PBX instances.
  • The pseudo-multi-tenant architecture results in substantial wastage of hardware resources.

Consider a service provider catering to 1,000 clients. With a pseudo-multi-tenant PBX, the provider would need to establish a new PBX instance for each client (tenant). Assuming each tenant has approximately 10–50 extensions, or even 100 extensions, the hardware resources and maintenance efforts required are staggering!

PortSIP PBX, on the other hand, offers a genuine multi-tenant PBX solution. Unlike other PBX systems that necessitate a separate PBX instance for each tenant, PortSIP PBX enables service providers to establish a single instance and create over 100K tenants within that PBX instance. Each tenant can have its own settings and extension numbers, remaining invisible to other tenants. It gives the tenant the impression of having an independent PBX. This feature is a significant advantage as it conserves hardware resources and reduces maintenance efforts.

One-Click Tenant Management

PortSIP PBX offers a streamlined tenant management system. All tenants are conveniently listed in the "Tenants" menu, providing system administrators with easy access to manage each tenant. Administrators can effortlessly enable or disable a tenant, or modify a tenant’s capabilities. These capabilities include:

  • Storage size
  • Enable/disable call recording
  • Maximum number of extensions, simultaneous calls, ring groups, queues, meetings, and more

This user-friendly interface simplifies the task of managing multiple tenants, making PortSIP PBX an efficient choice for service providers.

Switching Tenant Administrator Role for PBX Management

PortSIP PBX offers a unique feature that allows system administrators (service providers) to switch into a tenant’s scope, assuming the role of a tenant administrator. This enables them to manage the PBX for the tenant, check the tenant’s settings, and then switch back to the system administrator level. This feature significantly reduces the workload associated with PBX management.

As demonstrated in the screenshot, when the System Administrator is in the tenant scope, it’s straightforward to switch back to the system level.

Additionally, a user (extension) within a tenant, who has been assigned the tenant admin role, can also log into the PortSIP PBX web portal to manage their own virtual PBX. However, they won’t have visibility of other tenants. This ensures each tenant maintains its privacy and independence while benefiting from efficient management.

Indeed, a true multi-tenant PBX like PortSIP PBX is designed for the cloud age. It efficiently utilizes hardware resources and simplifies maintenance efforts, making it an ideal solution for service providers in today’s cloud-centric world. This innovative approach aligns with the evolving needs of businesses, offering scalability and flexibility while ensuring each tenant enjoys the benefits of an independent PBX.

To experience the genuine multi-tenant functionality of PortSIP PBX, designed for the modern cloud communication era, you can download and install the fully-featured free version of PortSIP PBX. This will allow you to explore its robust features and understand how it can streamline your communication needs. Enjoy exploring!

PortSIP PBX Solution Has Your Back

When weighing the solution for hosting the Cloud PBX, you have to look at your needs today and tomorrow. You have to ask yourself where you want to be in the next year or two and beyond.

Here at PortSIP, we’ll walk you through everything, including free porting of your existing solution. We’ll help you select the right VoIP desk phones that meet your client's budget and everyday business needs.

In the age of the cloud, you cannot keep inching along with a legacy PBX. Your traditional PBX solution costs you more than it’s saving.

Take advantage of the PortSIP Solution and the freedom to work from anywhere. PortSIP PBX lets you focus on serving your customers, not trying to figure out the system. You can leave the rest to us.